Alison Nordstrom to assume new role at George Eastman House, focusing on exhibitions and books

Published on : Thursday, February 14, 2013

George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film announced today that Dr. Alison Nordström, Senior Curator of Photographs, will assume the new position of Curator-at-Large, effective July 1, 2013. The museum has begun an international search for her replacement as head of the Department of Photographs.

“The new position as Curator-at-Large will permit Alison to focus her efforts on the scholarly exhibitions and publications our photograph collection deserves,” said Dr. Bruce Barnes, Ron and Donna Fielding Director of George Eastman House. “We also anticipate that she will have more opportunity to collaborate with national and international institutions to promote George Eastman House and share our photographs worldwide.”

Work has already commenced on a major project on the documentary photographs of Aaron Siskind; the traveling exhibition and book are expected to be launched in mid-2015. The museum and Dr. Nordström are also developing projects on Elias Goldensky and William Henry Jackson.

Since coming to Eastman House in 2004, Dr. Nordström has curated more than 35 exhibitions from the Eastman House collection, including Truth/Beauty: Pictorialism and the Photograph as Art, New Topographics, and Lewis Hine-all of which were accompanied by books and traveled internationally.

She established the Master of Arts degree program in Photographic Preservation and Collections Management, which now boasts more than 70 graduates employed in museums and photographic collections around the world. In 2011, Dr. Nordström received the Focus Award for Lifetime Achievement in Photography from the Griffin Museum in Boston and the Apple Valley Foundation Award for Curatorial Excellence. She was recently awarded a Robert Rauschenberg Fellowship inCritical Writing.

“I am thrilled to continue my long and happy relationship with Eastman House and its unrivalled photograph collection,” said Nordström. “I look forward to working with our new director, with whom I share a deep commitment to major traveling exhibitions and scholarly publications. I welcome the opportunity to concentrate on specific projects and look forward to many more productive years working with the museum.”

Source: iloveny

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