Austrian to be official carrier of Austrian Olympic Team

Published on : Thursday, December 12, 2013

Austrian-AirlinesAustrian Airlines is once again to act as the official carrier of the Austrian team for the Winter Olympics, which are to be held from 7 to 23 February 2014 in the Russian city of Sochi. By playing this role, Austrian will be continuing the tried-and-tested collaboration between itself and the Austrian Olympic Committee (ÖOC) that has been in place for the past 21 years now.

The Chief Executives of the ÖOC and Austrian Airlines signed the cooperation agreement yesterday. Karl Stoss, President of the ÖOC, said the following: “Our goal is to provide our athletes and coaches the best possible environment so they can fully concentrate on the Olympic competitions in Sochi. The direct and convenient travel is a puzzle stone on the path to success. We are pleased to be able to rely on a reliable airline partner.” Austrian’s CCO, Karsten Benz, commented: “I am pleased Austrian is once again to be the official carrier of the ÖOC. Every individual athlete is an ambassador for Austria, just like Austrian Airlines. We are brought together by the huge pleasure we take in sporting competition and international connections. We carry the colours red-white-red out into the world together.”

Austrian Airlines will fly the Austrian athletes, trainers and other official personalities, as well as their extensive equipment and valuable sports equipment, to Sochi on 13 non-stop flights. Austrian Airlines has been a sponsor and partner of the ÖOC for both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games since 1992. In the past, the domestic carrier has taken top Austrian athletes safely and reliably to destinations including Albertville, Lillehammer, Barcelona, Sydney and Salt Lake City.

Source:- Austrian Airline


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