DXB Wins Best Airport Award At AFLAS Awards

Published on : Tuesday, June 21, 2016

aflas-2016Dubai International (DXB) has been named as the Best Airport in the Middle East at the Asian Freight, Logistics, and Supply Chain Awards (AFLAS) held in Shanghai recently.

The awards, which are organised by Asia Cargo News, recognise leading air and shipping lines service providers, air and sea ports, logistics and other associated industry professionals. The nomination and voting process involves more than 15,000 readers and e-news subscribers of the publication to first determine the leading companies in the market, and then determine the winners, making the results the opinion of service users.

DXB is currently the second busiest airport globally for international air freight volumes having handled 2.5 million tonnes in 2015.

“We are very pleased to have been chosen as the best airport in the region particularly because the award is given based on the choice of thousands of readers, many of whom have experienced the state of the art facilities, service quality and efficiency of Dubai International,” said Anita Mehra, Senior Vice President of Communications & Reputation at Dubai Airports.

Source:- Dubai Airport

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