Get involved as Cut Tourism VAT gears up for the election

Published on : Thursday, January 29, 2015

cut-tourism-VAT-callThe General Election is the best opportunity yet to make Tourism VAT a local issue in your constituency.


We are asking you to contact their Parliamentary candidates and make them aware that this is an important issue for your business and community.

To assist we have a draft letter (this link) which you can adapt and email to your candidates. If you’re not sure who your local candidates are you can drop an email to our team and they will find out the information you need.


We hope you will be involved, it is thanks to your efforts across the country we now have the support of 115 Members of Parliament.

The European Commission published its 2015 update on VAT rates and Lithuania has become the latest country to reduce Tourism VAT.


That means that 25 of the other 27 EU countries have now reduced Tourism VAT with the UK charging twice as much as the European average (10.2%). As the increasing strength of pound makes holidays more expensive for foreign visitors our sector is facing an ever-increasing challenge to remain competitive



Parliament this month heard a debate on coastal economies. Our supporters Ian Liddell-Grainger MP, Margaret Ritchie MP, Adrian Sanders MP and Sir Bob Russell MP spoke and highlighted the case for a reduction. Meanwhile the Select Committee inquiry on tourism heard from Treasury Adviser, Professor Adam Blake, who provided a detailed overview of the economic evidence, with new supporter Tracey Crouch MP revealed her “inner VAT geek”.

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