Published on : Friday, June 13, 2014
Lodging Interactive, a digital marketing and social media engagement agency exclusively servicing the hospitality industry, has developed a service aimed at preventing negative guest reviews from reaching social review sites such as TripAdvisor and Yelp.
Launched last month, Social Voices by CoMMingle provides hospitality clients with 24/7 social listening and customer engagement services 365 days a year. By listening and monitoring various social media channels and proactively notifying hotel management when a situation needs to be addressed, hoteliers can dramatically reduce, if not eliminate, bad reviews.
“When people have a bad hotel experience today, they find comfort in venting about it through social media — especially on Twitter,” said DJ Vallauri, Lodging Interactive Founder and President. “If the hotel doesn’t respond quick enough, or worse, doesn’t respond at all, guests may think that the property or the brand simply doesn’t care. As hospitality professionals, hotel operators need to always be on the lookout for these types of situations and they need respond and address them immediately.”
To keep potentially negative situations from gaining traction and ending up on review sites like TripAdvisor, Lodging Interactive’s Social Voices service provides 24/7/365 always on social listening and customer engagement. The company’s “listening agents” become the eyes and ears of the hotel to ensure customer issues are addressed immediately before they escalate. The company believes being online and available 24/7 is key to providing superior social customer service in this constantly connected world we live in.
Recent industry research shows that 97% of all tweets directed at toward a brand go unanswered. The small percentage that do respond often reply too late in the engagement process, which can be hours or even days after the original tweet.
Tags: Hotel News, Lodging Interactive Helping Increase Positive Guest Reviews, travel technology news