Mangroves & Eagles Safari at Four Seasons Resort Langkawi

Published on : Tuesday, March 11, 2014

LAN_323_aspect16x9-300x168Expanding horizons, the Mangroves & Eagles Safari journeys guests from the pristine beach at Four Seasons Resort Langkawi to the mysterious labyrinthine forests that flank Langkawi’s land and sea; an effortless eco-adventure into the dramatic Kilim Karst Geoforest Park, a spellbinding 550-million-year-old maze of limestone cliffs and tangled mangroves.


Intriguing and effortless, the family-friendly adventure is led by one of the Resort’s three Resident Naturalists. A 15-minute boat takes guests directly from the Resort’s beach to the impressive mouth of the Kilim River, beyond which lies one of the world’s most accessible mangrove forests. As intriguing as it is undervalued, this fascinating ecosystem offers exciting up-close encounters with majestic eagles and kites, mischievous macaques, fish that walk (mudskippers), colourful tree-climbing crabs, shy otters, elegant monitor lizards, coiled snakes and hundreds of sleeping bats. With the entire experience conducted from the comfort – and safety – of the Resort’s boat, guests are treated to a nature experience straight out of National Geographic, complete with Four Seasons-style commentary and refreshments.
With little intrepid solo explorers in mind, an hour-long kids-only Mangroves & Monkeys Safari has also been designed.  Aboard a floating classroom, adventurers aged 4 to 12 (young-at-heart parents welcome too) join the Resort Naturalists for an educational eco-experience to discover the magical mangrove world and watch the antics of hundreds of mischievous macaque monkeys.


“As with all conservation, awareness is key,” explains Senior Resort Naturalist Aidi Abdullah. “Our safaris offer young and old alike the chance to experience a unique micro-community that is itself the root of all marine ecology. Protecting the mangroves is essentially protecting ourselves.”


Source:-Four Seasons

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